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Kupicha, F.K. (1983) Myrsinaceae Flora Zambesiaca 7(1)
Trees or shrubs. Leaves simple, alternate or clustered at branch ends, with translucent gland dots or dashes or glandular-hairy. Stipules 0. Inflorescences lateral, of various types. Flowers usually individually inconspicuous, bisexual or unisexual (plants dioecious), actinomorphic, 4- or 5-merous. Calyx often with dark spots. Petals usually white or pink, often with dark dots or stripes. Stamens as many as and opposite to the petals. Ovary superior or (Maesa) semi-inferior, 1-locular. Fruit an indehiscent berry or drupe, 1-seeded or (Maesa) many-seeded. Worldwide: 33 genera and 1225 species, occurring particularly in tropical and warm areas, but with a few temperate Old World species. Rwanda: 0 genera and 0 taxa. |
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