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Photo: Bart Wursten
Aloe arborescens on the cliffs
Photo: Bart Wursten
Chinyakwaremba from the Leopard Rock golf course. The pale yellow heads of Mariscus hemisphaericus are in the foreground.
Quarter degree square: 1932B2 Country: Zimbabwe Habitat: Submontane grassland and patches of evergreen forest Altitude range: c.1600 - 1720 m Annual rainfall: c 1600 - 1800 mm Location (short): Location (detailed): |
Chinyakwaremba is the Shona name for the hill behind the Leopard Rock Hotel in Vumba. It is often called Leopard Rock but this was actually the name of a huge boulder at the foot of a cliff, where now stands the Castle Guesthouse. On one side, a gentle slope gives easy access to the summit along a well-worn footpath from the main road, while the other side is a sheer cliff down to the hotel and golf course below. Parts of the mountain were seriously invaded by Australian Black Wattle (Acacia mearnsii) but private initiative of some conservation minded people in the area has largely eradicated this pest, and the combination of rehabilitated sub-montane grassland and patches of evergreen forest now offer a wide variety of interesting plants again, including Aloe rhodesiana (Aloaceae), Eulophia tenella (Orchidaceae), Aristea woodii and Gladiolus crassifolius (Iridaceae).
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